Poverty Bay Hockey have the following complaints procedure:​​​​​​​

Complaints Process:

  1. Letter of Complaint via email to PBHA 
    Please Note: A complaint about a specific game, umpire's, player's or spectator's conduct must be in writing to the PBHA within 48 hrs of the game concerned.
    This brings the complaints procedure regarding conduct in line with the protest procedure.

  2. PBHA acknowledge receipt of the letter and confirm that a reply will be received within 14 days.

  3. The Disciplinary Committee will be formed if required.

  4. A representative of PBHA (Chairman in the first instance) to contact the parties concerned and forward responses to the Operations Manager.   All parties will receive a copy of the letter of complaint if they request it.

  5. The Disciplinary committee or PBHA shall decide within 14 days of the appropriate action to be taken.

  6. The Operations Manager will inform, by letter, the club/parties concerned about the outcome.

  7. The incident and outcome to be documented at the next committee meeting.

Please Note:  Any complaints regarding a game must follow the process outlined in the PBHA Competition Rules

5.7 Any team wishing to register a protest against a day registration shall mark the game card “game under protest” PRIOR to the game starting. Protests for actions taken during a game must be noted at the end of the game taking place. Both team captains and both umpires must view ‘game under protest” prior to signing. (Protests regarding umpires decisions will not be heard, protests of a technical or procedural nature can be heard). 

5.7.1 The fee for protesting shall be $ 150.00. The fee and a letter of protest shall be forwarded to the association secretary within 48 hours of the completion of the game. 

5.7.2 If a protest is successful the protest fee shall be refunded to protesting team.